About 7th Chords

A 7th chord is a type of chord commonly used in music theory that adds a unique flavor and richness to musical compositions. It is constructed by adding a seventh interval on top of a triad, which consists of three notes stacked in thirds. There are several types of 7th chords, including major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 7th, diminished 7th, and augmented 7th chords. Each type has its own distinct sound and emotional quality. Major 7th chords create a bright and dreamy atmosphere, while minor 7th chords evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection. Dominant 7th chords add tension and drive, often leading to resolution in chord progressions. Diminished 7th chords create a mysterious and suspenseful mood, and augmented 7th chords add a sense of tension and instability. 7th chords are widely used in various genres of music, including jazz, blues, and pop, and understanding their construction and harmonic characteristics can greatly enhance one's ability to create compelling melodies and harmonies.

Reading The Charts

These tables describe how to construct 7ths chords. The idea is simple. Start from any root, and go up as many steps as described in the charts.
If the root is C, then C to C# is the first semitone, C# to D is the second semitone, D to D# is the third semitone, and D# to E is the fourth semitone. Hence, E is 4 semitones up from C. E to F, F to F#, F# to G implies that G is 3 semitones above E.

The 7th Chord Charts

Major 7th Chord
Root Third Fifth Seventh
0 +4 +3 +4
Minor 7th Chord
Root Third Fifth Seventh
0 +3 +4 +4
D F A C#
B D F Ab
Dominant 7th Chord
Root Third Fifth Seventh
0 +4 +3 +3
C E G Bb
D F# A C
Half Diminished 7th Chord
Root Third Fifth Seventh
0 +3 +3 +4
C Eb Gb Bb
(Fully) Diminished 7th Chord
Root Third Fifth Seventh
0 +3 +3 +3
C Eb Gb A = Bbb
B D F Ab